Donor Feedback
"Sun Devil Athletics has had the pleasure to work and partner with Veteran Tickets Foundation to bring out the local military and veteran community to all Sun Devil Athletic sporting events.

The partnership that we have with Vet Tix has helped us grow our Sun Devil fan base throughout the valley as well as with different military branches. We have been and will continue to work with them as a partner in order to grow our relationships with the military and veteran communities.

Sun Devil Athletics has had a rich tradition when it comes to the military and Vet Tix has helped us continue with that tradition. We can't thank Veteran Tickets Foundation enough for doing what they do both through donations of tickets and supporting our athletic department. When it comes to donation of tickets, we will call Vet Tix first!

Jeremy Figueroa
Team Leader, Ticket Service & Retention"
"Vet Tix is an awesome organization! The fans that redeem the tickets are also awesome! Brandi has been my contact here and she makes everything run smooth.

Live Nation Box Office Manager

I would like Vet Tix to know how much my staff and I enjoy working with your organization. Everyone has always been so friendly and appreciative that it makes it a real pleasure for us when we have tickets available to offer.

Jill Zoll | Box Office Manager

Vet Tix was a lifesaver last year. Brandi seriously went so far above and beyond for us on so many shows, I don't even know where to begin thanking her for the awesome job she did. Brandi has always been so efficient and reliable, and I know without a doubt I can always count on Brandi and Vet Tix to help us make every show magical.

Casey Pukl | Senior Marketing Manager | Live Nation San Diego

It's always a pleasure working with Brandi and Vet Tix. I think what Vet Tix does is amazing and I'm glad that I can help repay people that do so much for us with a night of fun and entertainment.

Kate Guarrieri
Live Nation

Working with VetTix is such a joy Brandi makes it so easy! I love what VetTix stands for, and it's great to be able to contribute in whatever way possible to those who do so much for our country. The recipient feedback always blows my mind, and we love to help whenever we can.

Liz Kim
Live Nation

It is a pleasure to work with Brandi and Vet Tix. We are grateful for the work that the organization does and honored to provide our military veterans with complimentary live entertainment.
It's a small token of our appreciation for the sacrifices they have made on our behalf.

Keep up the great work and thank you for your service!

Janette Baxa
Live Nation

Brandi is always quick to respond and hugely helpful throughout the year! VetTix is an extremely valued partnership - especially given the military emphasis in the San Diego market. Thank you for all of your hard work and support with Live Nation shows!

Ashley O'Neil - Marketing Manager - Live Nation San Diego"
"It has been such a great experience working with Brandi and the team at Vet Tix! Brandi is always proactive in reaching out to get a partnership set up on certain tours, which is a huge help for us. Knowing she is always on top of everything and so quick to get things turned around is a big relief for us when managing so many tours at once. I also appreciate how Vet Tix is always looking to stay ahead of all the advancements, such as getting APIs set up with other ticketing companies to make setting up these Vet Tix offers so much more seamless around the country. I appreciate all you do there, and one of my favorite things is reading the feedback from Veterans post-show to make it know how much doing this means to them.

Dan C AEG"
"Oregon State Athletics began working with Vet Tix back in the 2012 Football season and the partnership has been nothing short of amazing! We were having difficulty with filling our stadium for non-conference football games due to our student body not yet being in class. We wanted to accomplish two things, fill the stadium and provide an opportunity to those that would normally be unable to attend. The working relationship with Veteran Tickets Foundation helped us accomplish both goals. We were able to move a couple hundred tickets in a matter of days.

Eddie and his staff makes it so easy to donate tickets to the organization. The ability to send tickets electronically makes life managing inventory much easier.

Another aspect of the relationship that I personally enjoy are the testimonials from those that used the tickets at the event. When I receive the link, just reading the gratitude shows that this partnership is a win for everyone and one that I see continuing for a very long time.

Cecil Hairston
Assistant Athletic Director for Ticket Operations"
"Doing business with Vet Tix could not be easier. It is a matter of adding the integration thru the provisioning process, creating a dedicated hold code within Paciolan
and then adding the complimentary tickets with a delivery method that best fits your needs. Vet Tix and the integration takes it from there.

They confirm the eligibility of the veterans and handle the delivery of the tickets. The best part is when the veterans go back online and post pictures and or testimonials. Reading these testimonials has proven to be as beneficial to our staff as we hope attending the games are for our veterans.

Wendy Brown
Assistant AD, Ticket Operations"
Stand Up and Laugh
"Just wanted to say thank you VET-TIX for creating such an amazing program let alone an amazing concept that GIVES BACK to those who's given so much for our country.

On behalf of the "Give Back Comedy Tour"/ Stand up and Laugh, we would simply like to say thanks to the veterans for the VERY NICE feedback / comments from attending our comedy events. Always a pleasure to donate and looking forward to sharing more fun times:)

CEO-Give Back Comedy Tour
HBO's FunnyLady Sonya D"
Stand Up and Laugh
"Vet Tix is an amazing organization. Jennifer Boucher is wonderful to work with and extremely attentive.

The Austin Symphony is honored to have the men and women that have served or are currently serving our country, and the families that support them attend our performances.

Thank you Vet Tix for having this platform for organizations like us to use so that we may give a little back to the ones that have given so much to us.

Best regards,
Jason Nicholson
Marketing Director
Austin Symphony"
The North Pennsmen Barbershop Chorus
"What a joy to work with Vet Tix! This was our 1st contact with you and the entire process went smoothly. The North Pennsmen Barbeshop Chorus performs twice a year ... Spring and Christmas. We’re looking forward to working with you again for our Spring 2020 show.
Thank you very much for assisting us in offering complementary tickets to our Vets."
The North Pennsmen Barbershop Chorus
"Our first time working with Vet Tix was fantastic. We were able to offer a small token of appreciation to our veterans, and every single one of them were friendly, pleasant, and a pleasure to have with us for the night. Unlike other offers in the past where we have given out tickets through other sources and tons of them went unclaimed, every person that claimed a ticket actually showed up and attended the event. The artwork supplied on the website made it incredibly easy to make a pickup sign for the ticket office window, and also prompted several other patrons to inquire about the organization.
All around, a wonderful experience. We will be utilizing Vet Tix every chance we get in the future."
"So happy to work with VetTix to support our Vets and their families. Jennifer and VetTix have been great to work with!"
Nederlander National / Broadway Markets
"Nederlander Concerts has worked with the Veteran Tickets Foundation for the past three years and we have thoroughly enjoyed our partnership. Veteran Tickets Foundation are able to offer last minute concert ticket offers to military families in any market in a professional and timely manner. We receive an alphabetize list for Will Call well in advance of the show and the Foundation even provides feedback from those who attended the event. The Foundation also provides an In Kind Receipt so that we can verify information being posted about our event. It has truly been a rewarding partnership and we look forward to working with VTF for many years to come."
Nederlander National / Broadway Markets
"The University of Wyoming really appreciates our partnership with VetTix. They've helped legitimize our "Seats for Soldiers" ticket donation program. We always have a great redemption rate and the feedback we receive via VetTix from those that use the tickets is invaluable. We're able to pass this feedback along to our supporters and it is a no-brainer for them to continue and often times increase their participation. More than anything, it is a convenient process to provide what we hope is an enjoyable experience to current and Veteran military members - a very small gesture for those we appreciate so much!

Joe Verschueren
WYO Athletic Ticket Office
Main: 1-877-WYO-FAN1
Office: 307-766-5034"
James  B
"Your doing a great service for all the Veterans. I really liked the Kelly Clarkson show and how VetTix was out there promoting Veterans as well. God Bless all that you do and hopefully we all can make a difference in peoples lives.

James B
"Dance Prism is delighted to work with Vet Tix. As one of our principle dancers is recently retired Ranger with a couple of Iraq tours to his credit, this is an alliance with special significance for us. So far as we can tell, Vet Tix provides a trouble free and rewarding experience to the people they serve and no problems at all to us."
""We have thoroughly enjoyed working with VetTix for the past several seasons! Shane Boucher has been incredible to work with. Our entire staff loves meeting the veterans during games and visiting the VetTix website after a long stretch of games to look at all the photos they posted in our arena with their families and friends. It is very fulfilling experience, that makes working in sports even more fun!"

Karson Wilson - Manager of Client Services Missouri Mavericks Hockey Team"
(Displaying results 1 through 15 of 80)
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